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This paper reviews effecting of blending basalt fibers into concreteon mechanical properties, ductility, and toughness. Based on concretecomponents, the perfect basalt fiber percentage can differ and is influencedby factors like fiber length, w/c ratio, and age. The beneficial basalt fiberspercentage is lower than that of steel fibers. Even with a low concentrationof basalt fibers, concrete tensile and flexural strength can be improved moreeffectively than a higher amount of steel fibers. As the amount of basaltfiber increases, the mix workability decreases. Additionally, the flow abilitymay drop slightly as the length of the fibers increases. Adding basalt fiber toconcrete can minimize drying shrinkage, size, and quantity of voids insidethe concrete matrix. A content between (0.3 - 0.5) % is the best ratio toincrease the compressive strength, while a higher percentage may reduceit. The tensile, flexural strength, stiffness, and toughness can improve byincreasing the fiber content. However, higher content may cause the fibersto lose their forms due to flexibility. Generally, the higher the basalt fibercontent, up to 1.5 %, the higher the tensile and flexural strength. Beyond1.5 %, the increment may be lower. The presence of basalt fiber in beamsdelays the appearance of cracks and increases the beam's load capacity. Theshorter the fiber length, the lower the content and the better the effect. The(6-24) mm is the best length to use in concrete that enhances mechanicalproperties. The increment in strength for a lower w/c ratio is higher than thatfor a higher one.


Basalt fiber reinforced concrete, Compressive strength, Tensile strength, Flexural strength, Ductility
